Battles Fought for Me, Lifted and Harboured in the Victory Already Won: Collage, Ink and Acrylic
(30.2cm diameter)
At His Command (Wearied by Waywardness): Collage (24.3cm width x 36.4cm height)
All Things Held Together in Him, Fill this Fool: Collage and Ink
(70cm diameter)
A Highway, I Will Not Turn My Head to the Left or to the Right: Collage, Watercolour and Ink
(59.3cm width x 79.8cm height)
The Moon is a Heavy Body 52: Collage
The Moon is a Heavy Body 51: Collage
I Lift my Eyes to the Mountains Above 2: Collage, Watercolour and Ink
(19.5cm width x 20.8cm height)
Portrait of Daggers, Dirks, etc: Collage and Ink
(35cm width x 27.3cm height)
Bridges, Buildings and Basquiat Backwards (wondeR rinG) Both together: Collage, Ink and Acrylic
(158.2cm width x 27.5cm height)
Bridges, Buildings and Basquiat Backwards (wondeR rinG) 1 (1 of 2): Collage, Ink and Acrylic
(79.1cm width x 27.5cm height)
Bridges, Buildings and Basquiat Backwards (wondeR rinG) 2 (1 of 2): Collage, Ink and Acrylic
(79.1cm width x 27.5cm height)
For as churning cream produces butter, and as twisting the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife: Collage and Ink
(83.6cm width x 83.3cm height)
I Lift my Eyes to the Mountains Above: Collage and Watercolour
(23.8cm width x 20.4cm height)
My Crown Laid Before You: Collage, Ink, Watercolour and Graphite
(83.4cm width x 83.4cm height)
The Moon is a Heavy Body 50: Collage
A Painful Separation (Adoption to Sonship): Collage and Watercolour
(30cm diameter)
Dual Jewel Duel: Collage and Ink
The Mottisfont Plane: Collage
Evertything all at Once Forever (Heart Fog): Collage and Ink
(55.5cm diameter)
All For You (Fragments): Collage
(30cm diameter)
Weathering at the Black & White (Homage to Dzama): Collage and Ink
(30cm diameter)
Where the West Begins Medley & Sit on the Thrones He has Given us (Pair): Collage and Ink
(Both 22.7cm Square)
Radiant Love (Foolish things to Shame the Wise): Collage and Ink
(44cm diameter)
Letters so Large: Collage and Watercolour
(106cm width x 76.2cm height)
See details here
Tyres and Ties don't ask me why's: Collage
(80cm width x 56cm height)
The Moon is a Heavy Body 49: Collage
The Moon is a Heavy Body 48: Collage
The Moon is a Heavy Body 47: Collage
The Moon is a Heavy Body 46: Collage
Do not trust in your own cleverness (New Orientation of Industry): Collage
(72cm width x 26.5cm height)
The Moon is a Heavy Body 45: Collage
The Moon is a Heavy Body 44: Collage
Can a Man Scoop Fire Into His Lap Without His Clothes Being Burned?: Collage
(44cm diameter)
The Moon is a Heavy Body 43: Collage