Letting Go (Not Anchored to this World): Collage and Ink (17.8cm width x 18.8cm height)
Mrs Perry Carrying the Weight of the World at Sagrada Familia, Barcelona (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 129): Collage (11cm width x 15.7cm height)
Static, but Bouncing off my Walls (Fill me Holy Spirit, I Need You): Collage, Watercolour, Ink, Charcoal and Pencil (20.6cm width x 31.8cm height)
Narcissist (Memory Fragment): Collage (14.7cm width x 20.6cm height)
Battle: Collage (21.8cm width x 21.5cm height)
Everyone Lives Forever: Collage. Pencil and Smoke (51.2cm width x 56.3cm height)
Set a Fire in my Heart: Collage (Size 47cm width x 29.7cm height) For Charnwood
Turning Heads, Kay Kendall: Collage (19.5cm width x 23.4cm height)
The World Can't Satisfy My Heart: Collage (25.5cm width x 26.2cm height)
Shadows of Tomorrow: Collage (50.8cm width x 63.3cm height)
We Unhouse and House the Lord: Collage (17.9cm width x 22.3cm height)
"Killing Time" by Alan Bennett book cover art direction and design for Faber & Faber and Profile Books (13.7cm width x 17.5cm height)
Fired Up: Collage for the cover of Issue 1 below (59.2cm width x 45.3cm height)
Fired Up magazine collage, art direction and design for Vlaze (17cm width x 24.5cm height)
Falling Faintly Faintly Falling: Collage, Ink and Letraset (12.5cm width x 15.7cm height) For B.W. and the exhibition of the same title.
Pie in the Sky by and by, The Albert Memorial: Collage (22.6cm width x 16.5cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, London Bridge, Looking North-East: Collage (22.7cm width x 16.4cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, St. Albans Abbey, from the South-West: Collage (22.4cm width x 16.3cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, The British Museum: Collage (22.6cm width x 16.1cm height)
Eilean Donan Opal, Loch Duich, Ross-Shire (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 128): Collage (15.3cm width x 10.5cm height)
The Black Opal of Cork City (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 127): Collage (16.2cm width x 11.4cm height)
Yves and Worcester (Strange and Beautiful World): Collage (41.6cm width x 58cm height)
Mo Bu Que (Memory Fragment): Collage (43.7cm width x 27cm height)
Fleer: Collage and Smoke (28.6cm width x 21.4cm height)
We are all Dim, Lost and Searching for Reasons (We are all Chasing Something Else): Collage and Ink (62.7cm width x 53cm height)
Toby the Dot (Memory Fragment): Collage (11cm width x 17.6cm height)
Cleverest Boy: Collage (14.4cm width x 13.7cm height)
Dürer's Grave (Memory Fragment): Collage (17.5cm width x 26.2cm height)
Down in the Belly of a Bird (What's the Point): Collage (22.8cm width x 29.4cm height)
Study: Collage (15.8cm width x 22.8cm height)
The Garden 2: Collage (16.3cm width x 19.8cm height)
The Garden: Collage (16.2cm width x 20cm height)
Paradise Lost 3: Collage (17.2cm width x 23.8cm height)
Paradise Lost 2: Collage (16.7cm width x 24.6cm height)
Paradise Lost: Collage (17.3cm width x 24.5cm height)
This That, Weed Killer, Weed Death: Collage (18.9cm width x 27.6cm height)
LO SE (Memory Fragment): Collage (34.9cm width x 24.3cm height)
Your Breath in Our Lungs (Your Wind in Our Sails): Collage (16cm width x 21.3cm height)
Rebuild My Ruins (We are More than Bones and Ashes): Collage (15.7cm width x 20.5cm height)
Take our Rubble and Make us New (Beauty for Ashes): Collage (22.3cm width x 16.3cm height)
My Heart Twists, My Mind Bends, My Soul Melts (Help Me Father): Collage and Ink (14.8cm width x 23.9cm height)
Smoke and Spitting into the Wind (Mark Out): Collage (16.8cm width x 22.6cm height)
Mrs Perry Sitting on the New Townhall in Munich (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 126): Collage (10.9cm width x 15.6cm height)
Turned Earth 32, Worcester Cathedral: Collage (18.9cm width x 29.7cm height) For K & O
Turned Earth 31, the Sea: Collage and Pencil (23.8cm width x 21.8cm height) For R.L. X
Formacion del Gobiero Nacional (Corrugado 13): Collage (16.5cm width x 22.7cm height)
I Don't Understand (In Every Way I am Terrified): Collage (13.1cm width x 17.1cm height)
I Don't Understand (In Every Way I am Done): Collage (13.1cm width x 17.9cm height)
I Don't Understand (In Every Way I am so Tired): Collage (14.1cm width x 25.8cm height)
Castletown, Celbridge, Irlanda (Corrugado 12): Collage (20.7cm width x 15.8cm height)
Biddeston, en Wiltshire (Corrugado 11): Collage (21.3cm width x 15.8cm height)
Castillo Powerscourt, en Enniskerry, Irlanda (Corrugado 10): Collage (21.3cm width x 15.8cm height)
Turning Heads, Mr and Mrs Hope: Collage (14.9cm width x 20.3cm height)
Turning Heads, Janet Leigh: Collage (16.1cm width x 20.1cm height)
Turning Heads, Arthur Kennedy: Collage (20.1cm width x 25.3cm height)
Turning Heads, Muriel Pavlov: Collage (20cm width x 25.3cm height)
Turning Heads, Aldo Ray: Collage (19.8cm width x 25.3cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, the Royal Kitchen, Windsor Castle: Collage (21.4cm width x 16.4cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, the Museum, Kew Gardens, from the Palm House: Collage (22.5cm width x 16.7cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, Blackfriars Bridge: Collage (22.6cm width x 16.6cm height)
Calle de la Trinidad, en Cambridge (Corrugado 9): Collage (15.8cm width x 21cm height)
Los Arrecifes, Cerca de Ilfracombe, Devonshire (Corrugado 8): Collage (21.1cm width x 15.1cm height)
En el Paso de Bwlch-y-Goerd, Principado de Gales (Corrugado 7): Collage (15.8cm width x 21.4cm height)
OOH FUN ALL FOR TICKKS (Memory Fragment): Collage (19.8cm width x 19.8cm height)
Hellenistic Rule 1939 (Memory Fragment): Collage and Pencil (21.5cm width x 25.5cm height)
God Help! (The Modern World is Rubbish): Collage, Ink and Pencil (24.3cm width x 32.3cm height)
La Pradera del Colegio, en Dublin, Irlanda (Corrugado 6): Collage (21cm width x 15.6cm height)
En el Valle de Wye, Principado de Gales (Corrugado 5): Collage (20.7cm width x 15.7cm height)
El Monasterio 'The Friars', en Aylesford, Condado de Kent (Corrugado 4): Collage (15.7cm width x 21.1cm height)
My Beloved is the Finest of Flowers (My Delight is in Her): Collage (16.8cm width x 20.6cm height) For R.L. X
I Will Not Let You Fall (Make A Way Where There Is No Way): Collage, Ink and Watercolour (15.5cm width x 21.1cm height)
Mrs Perry Enjoying the Rose Gardens in Stanley Park, Blackpool (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 125): Collage (14.8cm width x 9.8cm height) For P.L.
Rose is a Rose is a Rose. Mrs Rose Perry in the Tulsa Rose Garden (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 124): Collage and Watercolour (9.9cm width x 14.8cm height) For B.W.
Vista del Mar en Cornwall (Corrugado 3): Collage (15.5cm width x 21cm height)
Parknasilla, Irlanda (Corrugado 2): Collage (21cm width x 15.5cm height)
Un Grupo de Familia Real (Corrugado 1): Collage (20.7cm width x 27cm height)
La Nuit Vous Engage Aarde (Memory Fragment): Collage (22.9cm width x 31.3cm height)
Mrs Perry Frogging at the Chatham Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, Opposite the Civic Arena (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 123): Collage (14.7cm width x 9.8cm height)
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 122): Collage (15.8cm width x 11cm height)
This Feels Like Stumbling (We Need You Guardian God): Collage (15.9cm width x 19.6cm height)
Novello (Memory Fragment): Collage (18.8cm width x 27.5cm height)
I used to be Real (Living Figments): Collage (14.1cm width x 20.3cm height)
I used to be a Real Boy: Collage (9.8cm width x 13.2cm height)
I Feel Felled (I used to be Real): Collage (14.6cm width x 20.3cm height)
I used to be Real: Collage (17.6cm width x 11.4cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by Piccadilly Circus: Collage (22.6cm width x 16.1cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, a Temperance Demonstration at the Crystal Palace: Collage (22cm width x 16.5cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, the West India Import Dock: Collage (22.5cm width x 16.3cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, Bethlehem Hospital: Collage (22.3cm width x 16.2cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, Middlesex v Surrey at Lords (1895): Collage (22.4cm width x 16.2cm height)
Pie in the Sky by and by, View Down the Thames, from London Bridge: Collage (22.4cm width x 16.3cm height)
God My Trust is in You Alone (Your Wind in My Sails, Your Breath in My Lungs): Collage (9.3cm width x 14.4cm height)
The Lapis Lazuli of Dorchester (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 121): Collage (14.8cm width x 9.8cm height)
The Rocks of Rhayader (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 120): Collage (9.8cm width x 14.9cm height)
New Quay (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 119): Collage (14.8cm width x 9.8cm height)
Thing in 1628 for Export (Memory Fragment): Collage (26.5cm width x 32.3cm height)
Many Women Have Done Wonderful Things But You Surpas Them All (My Rachel Worth Far More Than Diamonds): Collage (23.8cm width x 29.2cm height) For R.L. X
ALL CAPS DOOM (Homage to MF): Collage (2 Parts Together 30cm width x 31.3cm height) For N.L. X
This Life on Earth is a Mere Blip on our Way into Eternity (He Died for us all, we are Stardust, we are Gold): Collage (16.8cm width x 24.3cm height)
We Are All Created Eternal: Collage (18.7cm width x 24.4cm height)
Christ at the Column: Collage (20cm width x 15cm height)
The Lion of Judah: Collage (18.5cm width x 22.8cm height)
Eternal King: Collage (19.3cm width x 24.3cm height)
Mr Perry and a Tiger at the Triton Fountain and Bus Terminal, Floriana, Malta (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 118): Collage (15.9cm width x 11.6cm height)
We Will All Live Forever: Collage (19.3cm width x 24.4cm height)
We Are All Immortal: Collage (17.4cm width x 24cm height)
Ickey XXVII (Memory Fragment): Collage (18.7cm width x 26.8cm height)
The Ascension and The Return (I Am, Love): Collage, Ink and Pencil (58cm width x 78.6cm height)
Losing It: Collage (10cm diameter)
The Only Way to Your Feet: Collage and Ink (20.3cm width x 31cm height)
Vista de Exeter, en Devonshire: Collage (15.4cm width x 20.9cm height)
Not Here: Collage, Ink and Watercolour (3 Parts Together: Part 1 13.4cm width x 28.5cm height. Part 2 11cm width x 28.5cm height. Part 3 15.8cm width x 28.5cm height.)
I Don't Feel Real Anymore: Collage (11.4cm width x 16.7cm height)
Mrs Perry Hanging Out at the Gallery Umberto in Napoli (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 117): Collage (11.3cm width x 15.8cm height)