The Stars are Beautiful Becasue of a Flower that can't be Seen (Rose is a Rose is a Rose): Collage (10cm width x 14.1cm height) For B.W.

What is Essential is Invisible to the Eye: Collage (15.7cm width x 20.4cm height)

Blessings Pouring from the Mountain: Collage (17.9cm width x 25.1cm height)

Made for Today, Longing for Tomorrow (Memory Fragment): Collage and Pencil (40.1cm width x 29.2cm height)

The Light which was: Collage (8.1cm width x 14.5cm height)

Mr Perry Inspecting the Excavations at Pompei, View from the Forum (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 141): Collage (15.3cm width x 10.9cm height)

We are a Planting of the Lord: Collage (15.5cm width x 21.4cm height)

A Planting of the Lord for the Display of His Splendour (His Righteousness in Full Bloom): Collage (10.3cm width x 14.5cm height) For E.L.

A Planting of the Lord (God's Righteousness in Full Bloom): Collage (10.5cm width x 14.2cm height) For S.L.

Your Righteousness Blooming in us (My Beautiful Wife of Noble Character): Collage (10.6cm width x 14.4cm height) For R.L.

Christmas Fruit Pastilles at Corfe Castle, Dorset (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 140): Collage (15.5cm width x 11cm height)

Kennack Sands and Milk Tray (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 139): Collage (15.5cm width x 10.8cm height)

Chocolates at the Harbour, Boscastle (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 138): Collage (14.5cm width x 9.5cm height)

Treasure Island with Pre-Gestee, San Francisco Bay (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 137): Collage (15cm width x 9.6cm height)

The Brush of Loch Long, from above Ardarroch (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 136): Collage (15cm width x 9.9cm height)

Pie in the Sky by and by, the Interior of the Royal Albert Hall: Collage (22.6cm width x 16.4cm height)

Knight's Castile, Kaub, Germany (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 135): Collage (16cm width x 11.5cm height)

The Brush Hovering above the Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond, Dumbartonshire, Scotland (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 134): Collage (15.6cm width x 10.8cm height)

Mr Perry Leaning on Padrao dos Descobrimentos, Lisboa, Portugal (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 133): Collage (15.7cm width x 11.1cm height)

Dobie's Four Squares Towering above Loch Trool and the Galloway Highlands, Scotland (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 132): Collage (15.6cm width x 10.9cm height)

Mr and Mrs Perry Dancing on Seefeld, Austria (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 131): Collage (16cm width x 11.5cm height)

I Wander in Your Wonder (You Determine my Steps, I Embrace what You Arrange): Collage, Acrylic, Pencil and Charcoal (48cm width x 71.8cm height)

We will all Outlast the Mountains, the Sun, the Moon (We are all Immortal Beings): Collage, Smoke and Ink (19.2cm width x 63.5cm height)

I Dissolve into Tears, Help me Father (My Granite Cliff Hiding Place): Collage, Smoke and Ink (32.2cm width x 60cm height)

My Father, Who Holds Everything in Orbit, Help Me in this In-Between (The Grave Has No Claim on Me): Collage and Ink (Two sections joined together 20.2cm width x 75.4cm height)

Pie in the Sky by and by, The Marble Arch: Collage (22.6cm width x 16.1cm height)

Pie in the Sky by and by, St. Paul's Cathedral: The Nave: Collage (23.2cm width x 16.2cm height)

Mrs Perry Sailing on the River Bure at Acle Bridge, Norfolk Broads (Smoke and Spitting into the Wind 130): Collage (15.2cm width x 9.8cm height)