I Dissolve into Tears, Help me Father (My Granite Cliff Hiding Place): Collage, Smoke and Ink (32.2cm width x 60cm height)
My Father, Who Holds Everything in Orbit, Help Me in this In-Between (The Grave Has No Claim on Me): Collage and Ink (Two sections joined together 20.2cm width x 75.4cm height)
Shadows of Tomorrow: Collage (50.8cm width x 63.3cm height)
Fired Up: Collage (59.2cm width x 45.3cm height)
Yves and Worcester (Strange and Beautiful World): Collage (41.6cm width x 58cm height)
We are all Dim, Lost and Searching for Reasons (We are all Chasing Something Else): Collage and Ink (62.7cm width x 53cm height)
The Ascension and The Return (I Am, Love): Collage, Ink and Pencil (58cm width x 78.6cm height)
How He Loves Us: Collage (59.2cm width x 22.9cm height) For P&S E.
You Won't Let Me Fall of the World (I am Tethered to Your Love): Collage, Ink and Pencil (16.3cm width x 83.8cm height)
El-Elohe-Israel I Wait for Your Fire to Descend (Jesus Centre of it all): Collage, Ink, Watercolour and Pencil (55cm width x 81.5cm height)
This is the Great Reversal (We Bear Your Signature) Parts 1 and 2: Collage, Watercolour and Ink (60.8cm width x 55.5cm height)
Drowning Out Our Fathers Yo (Without Him Nothing Makes Sense, Wasted by Wasted Days): Collage and Watercolour (38.5cm width x 64.5cm height)
I Call Out To You (Part 1 and 2 joined): Collage, Ink and Acrylic (20.9cm width x 59cm height)
On This Rock I Will Build My Church: Collage, Ink and Pencil (59.1cm width x 83.4cm height)
We Need to Bow Down and Praise Him (So Simple): Collage, Ink and Watercolour (16.2cm width x 69.9cm height)
Set Apart (Consecrated and Sanctified): Collage and Ink (41.3cm width x 59.2cm height)
Thank You for Letting me off (Quiet Waters): Collage, Ink, Watercolour and Pencil (83.9cm width x 59.2cm height)
I Want You to Know Heaven (Ignore Sideshow Distractions):
Collage, Ink and Watercolour (54.8cm width x 82cm height)
Make Mountains for Me (Vertical not Horizontal):
Collage, Ink and Pencil (59.4cm width x 84.1cm height)
Love in Time (Time in Love): Collage, Ink, Watercolour, Pencil
(59.3cm width x 81.5cm height)
Paupers and Princes (A Crown of Beauty Instead of Ashes): Collage, Ink and Smoke
(45.5cm width x 80.3cm height)
The Salary of Certainty or the Salary of Smoke?: Collage, Ink and Smoke
(58.7cm width x 83.5cm height)
A Highway, I Will Not Turn My Head to the Left or to the Right: Collage, Watercolour and Ink
(59.3cm width x 79.8cm height)
Bridges, Buildings and Basquiat Backwards (wondeR rinG) Both together: Collage, Ink and Acrylic
(158.2cm width x 27.5cm height)
Bridges, Buildings and Basquiat Backwards (wondeR rinG) 1 (1 of 2): Collage, Ink and Acrylic
(79.1cm width x 27.5cm height)
Bridges, Buildings and Basquiat Backwards (wondeR rinG) 2 (1 of 2): Collage, Ink and Acrylic
(79.1cm width x 27.5cm height)