An Instrument of Your Peace: Collage and Ink (57cm width x 80.7cm height)

Laid Low, Laid to Waste (Sin Piled on Sin): Collage, Ink and Smoke
(57.2cm width x 83.7cm height) No. 2 of larger work "In the Sixth Year, In the Sixth Month and the Fifth Day. Laid Low, Bowing Down)"

An Audience of One: Collage, Watercolour and Ink
(55.5cm width x 80.1cm height)

They hit me, but I'm not hurt! They beat me, but I don't feel it!: Collage
(55.5cm width x 80.2cm height)

My Treasured Possession: Collage
(55.6cm width x 80.5cm height)

Heavens Door is Open: Collage
(55.6cm width x 80.5cm height)

Assembly of the Firstborn: Collage
(55.5cm width x 80.5cm height)

The Simple Inherit Folly (Preramble): Collage
(56cm width x 77.5cm height)